Tuesday 24 November 2015


Today for our fundamental skills with Brodie we practised our throwing.

First we played 'Rats and Rabbits' to warm up.

Then we lined up to practise our muscle man throwing!

Friday 20 November 2015

Wednesday 18 November 2015


Our school is taking part in "The Big Give". More FM and Fifeshire Foundation are collecting gifts and books for families in need this Christmas. We can help by donating NEW books and gifts for children. If you can help, please drop these off (unwrapped) in Renwick 2 . 
Thank you for your support. 

My Mum And Dad Make Me Laugh

On Tuesday, Katrina read us a story called " my Mum And Dad Make Me Laugh". After the story we had lots of stories we wanted to share with the class about times our Mum and Dad made us laugh. We drew a picture of a funny incident with our parents and then we spoke about this in front of the class.
Ask your child to talk to you about what he/she shared with the class.


Here we are doing Long Jump with Brodie.

Thursday 12 November 2015


Drishti wore her beautiful sari to school today because her family is celebrating the beginning of the Indian new year. Diwali is the Indian Festival of Light and it is held in late October or early November.
We thought Drishti looked gorgeous in her sari today.

Today we coloured a rangoli pattern. Usually in India the rangoli pattern is decorated with coloured powder and the pattern is placed by the front door to welcome visitors.


This reading group is practising a play to show to our class.


This morning Anne helped us to finger knit. We are making long finger knitted strings to attach to our poi that we are going to make.

Ezekiel's News

This morning Ezekiel had some very exciting news to share with us. He has a new baby brother!!!! Ezekiel's new brother " Torvin" came to visit us this morning. 

Wednesday 11 November 2015


Today the children in Renwick 2designed a playground for the Kowhai Syndicate. Then they wrote about their designs.

Great ideas tamariki!

Roald wrote...
My playground has the biggest slide in the world. The playground has a playhouse, a see-saw and some swings. One swing is a baby swing and the other swing is a grown up swing.

Rosie wrote...
My playground has a rainbow water slide and a flying fox. My playground has a trampoline and a see-saw. Also, my playground has a sandpit and stairs to a playhouse with a slide and a dark cave with lights

Ezekiel wrote...
My playground has a ladder going to some water to play in. Also it has a tunnel slide.

Drishti wrote...
My playground has a castle with a tunnel and a see saw. The tunnel has glow worms inside it and a gate for puppies.

Piper wrote...
My playground has a castle with a waterside. It has a cave and in that cave there are solar lights. You can climb a wall when you get to the top and there's a throne.

Tane wrote...

My playground has a waterside and a flying fox. It has a rugby field and it has a monkey tunnel like Inflatible world.

George wrote...
My playground has a slide. There are two slides and one leads to a swimming pool. There are two ladders, one leads to a swimming pool and one leads to a playhouse. A big slide leads you to a dirt hole underground. And, you can go on a trampoline.

Piper S wrote...
My playground has a slide that leads to a cave with lights that look like glow worms. It has a glider that can fit three people at once.

Bianca wrote...
"Hi", This is my playground, it has a Rescue Centre and a kitten in trouble. Dieago is putting a plaster on a parrot. It has a cave with a treasure chest, the treasure chest is hidden in the back. It has beautiful plants. The picture has a blazing sun.

Macabee wrote...
My playground has a garden and it has a bowling alley. It has a bedroom and a table.

Freya wrote...

My playground is the best playground because it has what I wish. My playground has a roller skate that goes past some water and it leads to a cave that lights up.

Alice wrote...

My playground has a cave with solar lights, and a slide with polka dots. And a see saw with a dot.

Milly wrote...
My playground has a boy and a girl slide. The girl bit is on the right hand side, the boy slid is in the left. It's got a sandpit. It has got a safe if there's an earthquake. Also there is a mini trampoline. It's really bouncy. There is a log with squirrels in there. You can look at them and pat them.